Reactive Action is a Hope Strategy

Whether we are talking about self-improvement or implementing a new product line, one thing is true, action is required.   If we don’t take action, then we are left with hope as a strategy. Relying on hope is like standing on a rickety old three-legged chair, expecting not to land on an ER stretcher.

Much of the action in the world is a knee-jerk reaction. We attempt to solve or overcome some problem without an eye on the larger overriding issues of the day. This means we are already playing catch-up before we even begin.

Reactive action is a hope strategy filled with endless cycles of running in circles while choking on clouds of meaningless dust.

Reactive Warthogs

Warthogs are instinctively reactive animals. They can sniff out trouble and, within a moment’s notice, flee the scene. Moments into their reactive dusty sprint, they forget why they are running and stop cold in their tracks.

The same thing commonly occurs in business. We quickly react to a competitor’s action and deviate off our course to address something that may or may not impact our business. More importantly, this overreaction furthers us from who we are and what we offer our customers.

Don’t be a warthog unless you like running in circles.

The way out of this dusty spiral is to get aligned with an Action Road Map.

  • Ideation – Big picture idea, structured action steps for achieving
  • Why – Why is this idea important? To you? To the people you serve?
  • Connect – Emotionally connect your audience to your idea
  • Action – Activate and empower your audience to take action

At a high level, this looks pretty rudimentary, and that may be so. Before completely dismissing this as more of the same, ask yourself a simple question.

Why am I living in such a reactionary world?

I promise you; the answer is not as simple as you think.

Solutions are simple. People make them complicated.

I told you people make solutions complicated.